Thursday, December 18, 2008

Why do ducks have webbed feet?

The Joke of The Day

Q: Why do ducks have webbed feet?

A: To stamp out forest fires.

Q: Why do elephants have flat feet?

A: To stamp out burning ducks.

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Travel tips
By Alicia from Barrington USA.

Keep a low profile when touring
Planning to rent a car on your next vacation? Try not to advertise the fact that you are a tourist, which could make you an attractive prey to thieves.

1. Always insist in local plates when you rent a car,

2. Request a model that's popular in the area you're visiting and with no rental company logos or plates.

3. Don't bother to get the car washed; a little dust will help you blend right in with the locals.

4. When you park, keep maps, brochures, guidebooks and bags locked in the trunk. Buy a local paper and leave it on the seat to look more like a "native."

5. Ask the rental agent whether there are certain neighborhoods it would be best to avoid.

6. Keep doors locked and windows up while driving.

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