Saturday, December 13, 2008


by Girija Naiksatam - Truth Seeker
Each one of us will have at least once instance in our life that left us feeling completely shocked and helpless. It could be anything and the consequences it may have could be severe and long-lasting. But, however unfair and unfortunate they may be, most experiences have some valuable life lessons hidden in them. Here is how you can use these experiences to broaden your horizons:

1. Feed the Hunger: When you're encountered with an experience that lends a blow to your life, you're generally looking for answers to the many questions that puzzle you every single day. While seeking out information is fine, make sure you're rationalizing it as well without being unrealistic about the potential should and the would-haves.

2. Learn and Grow: The most defining experiences are always the ones that shake us to our core and teach us lessons we will never forget. It could be lessons in kindness, generosity, nurturing tact, controlling emotions, being strong and so on. Be open to accept them and make them a part of your life.

3. Herald Change: Use this learning from the unfortunate incident or incidents of your life to spearhead change. For example, if you're battling a cause close to your heart, get your friends together, motivate people and form a citizens group for change. In short, become the change you want to see.

4. Value your Present: Live, love, give and share now... live a meaningful life; one that leaves you with a feeling of satisfaction and brings a smile to your face at the end of the day.

5. Enthuse Yourself: Don't lose hope owing to one disheartening experience. Get yourself back on track by doing other things that you enjoy or like to try out but haven't got around to doing yet. It may be painting, dance, pottery; anything that allows you to express yourself differently.

In the end, what matters most is how you have dealt with the various situations that life has put you in. You may learn from them and not let them get the better of you, or you can let them pull you down and let them overtake your life. The choice is obvious and if you're willing to take just a little effort, you'll see yourself through.

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