Tuesday, November 18, 2008


by Girija Naiksatam - Motivation Guru

Very often we may find ourselves stuck in 'deer-in-headlight' kind of situations. Some of us tackle these head on, some sulk and many of us engage in the very verbose act of complaining. If you fall in the last category, here are a few tips to rid you off this pessimism inducing dangerous habit:

1. Accept
Life will throw multiple things your way; some you'll welcome with open arms, and some, not so much. Although they might catch you off guard, don't let them disrupt your life. Understand that like most other situations, they too will play their part and then pass.

2. Learn from the life's experiences
Some of the most memorable learning in life comes out of unforeseen experiences. Keep in mind that there is always something you can take back from every experience you are a part of.

3. Change your perspective
You'll be amazed at how much of a difference a wee bit change in your perspective can make. Try to see the lighter side of things instead of analyzing and asking why. It'll help you get over them faster and help you sleep better.

4. Have faith: The best will come to you
Believe that there is a plan chalked out for you, in your favor, either by you or by someone else. someone a little more powerful than you. This will be implemented soon so that things go your way. But as of now, face the fact that today may not be your day and have faith that tomorrow will be better.

5. Know the consequences of complaining
As cathartic as complaining might seem, it actually generates a lot of negative energy. This will adversely affect you as well as those listening to you. Instead, you could just invest this energy into something else more productive to take your mind off things.

Have a nice day,

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