Saturday, January 3, 2009

God is AMAZING!!!

I was driving down the M4 on the 19th December 2008 when I ran out of fuel. I knew I needed to get some but I thought I could make it back to Reading. However, as I was going around 80mph in the fast lane the car started to lose power. I managed to get over into the hard shoulder before the car completely stopped. As I sat in the car, I pulled out my phone to make a call for help -- and the phone battery COMPLETELY died!
I'm now sitting in a car without fuel, no means of phoning anyone for help, and miles from Reading. I decided to walk to the next service station. I got out of the car and started to walk --- while I prayed "God, I need your help!".

After about 5mins a car pulled over in front of me onto the hard shoulder. When I got next to the car a man opened the door, and said: "Where do you want to go?". It turned out that he was going to Reading, and took me all the way to my house!!!

As we were driving he kept saying, "I stopped because I recognise your face, but I just can't place you". It turned out that he had seen me in Reading town centre preaching on the outreach!!! His name is Leroy, I witnessed to him all the way back -- and he got saved & prayed to receive Christ outside my front door!!!!

God is AMAZING!!!

I learnt some valueable lessons today:
1. When things seem impossible pray & step out -- Leroy never would have seen my face if I had stayed in the car
2. Do God's work with joy & zeal -- Leroy recognised me from outreach & THAT'S why he stopped
3. God works in ways we cannot even comprehend -- trust Him
4. Give people the gospel -- God brings them your way for a reason
5. Next time put petrol in the car!

Believe God! Step out! God will meet you!

Steve - UK

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